5 weeks of opening your channels to truly receive more love, divine connection, and wealth and release blocks that prevent you from feeling deeply nourished.
Tap into all that is available to you through the unified field and learn how to call in supportive energies that will help you feel more replenished on a cellular level.
Magnetic Receptivity will be offered again live this spring/summer 2025. Click the button below to join the waitlist and be the first to be notified of the live dates!
Do you ever feel depleted or disconnected and no matter what you do your tank rarely feels full?
Have you been taught to believe that giving is more important than receiving?
Do you have a good support system but still feel unsupported?
Do you feel like there is more that you could be receiving from life but there are inner or outer obstacles in the way?
I have compassion for how you may be feeling because I’ve been there myself. Many of us are pre-conditioned from our life experiences, society, or our families to believe that only so much is available to us or that it is not safe to fully receive.
As a child, I shut down right away because I didn’t feel any sense of security. Like many others, I believed that I wasn’t taken care of. That it was not safe for me to receive. I learned that I needed to be a giver and space holder from my earliest memories and that pattern stayed with me. When I went through my awakening over 18 years ago and began sharing what I learned with others the same subconscious programming continued running on autopilot: that I needed to give everything I had to be “good enough”, “safe”, “loved by others”.
This pattern of being an over-giver and not feeling safe enough to truly receive led me to completely burning out and feeling as though I had nothing left to give.
I could call in sacred energies for others and be a source of love for many but I was only integrating such a small percentage of those divine energies myself. For so long, I subconsciously prioritized that everyone else should receive first and I felt like I was always the last in line. Every time I filled my own cup I would immediately give it all away to others.
In my deep meditations, I discovered we all live in a unified field of consciousness. That everything we seek is already available to us.
As Rumi so eloquently said: ‘Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.’
I began tapping into the unified or quantum field every day and in doing so I realized that all of the sacred energies and divine essences that I needed to feel truly supported and nourished were waiting for me to receive them. These sacred energies, essences or spirits came to me in many forms including; Archangels and Ascended Masters, Sacred Animal Spirits, Plant and Flower Essences, Crystal Frequencies, Codes and Rays of light including the Violet Flame and so much more.
I learned how loved I truly was and how much limitless unconditional love is available for each and every one of us. In the unified field of pure potential, everything you need to achieve your soul’s destiny and feel good while doing it is already waiting for you.
Through a daily practice of communion within the quantum field, my eyes and heart were opened.
This is why I was guided to create this 5-week program to help you reset and replenish in the most heart-nourishing way.
My greatest intention is to open your eyes and heart to the field of light that you are already living within so you can see how simple and easy it can be to meet your heart’s desires and empower every aspect of your life!
Release blockages to your ability to receive the love of the Creator. Learn how to tap into the unified field to channel and hold more light on a deeper level. Tune up your ability to be a divine channel for yourself and others.
Work with the Rays of Creation to clear obstacles that may have stopped you from receiving financial abundance. Call in the energies from the field of pure potential that will support you in magnetizing opportunities for abundance and holding the frequency of prosperity.
Bring healing to the wounds the may have left you feeling unsafe receiving in your relationships. Create a new energetic blueprint that will help your current relationships evolve to a higher frequency of love and magnetize new soul connections!
Receive the exact divine medicines and frequencies you need to support your optimal well-being physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Release subconscious patterns that have stopped you from experiencing well-being.
(Supercharge your Magnetism) Charge your heart and learn how to embody more 5th-dimensional love-consciousness so you can become a magnet of your highest good calling in more love, wealth, joy and success!
Hillary Faye has been a teacher of teachers for nearly a decade. Through years of deep inner work, she turned her past trauma into transformation and now holds space for others to do the same.
For over 18 years Hillary has dedicated her life to the path of healing and has now taught and trained over a thousand heart-centered alchemists, yoga and meditation teachers, energy healers, and intuitive coaches.
She is co-creator of Mansion of the Heart University where she co-facilitates the MU Healer, Teacher, Coach Certification. Hillary is also the creator and lead facilitator of the Awaken Love Registered Yoga School.
Hillary is here to hold space and support you in reclaiming your light and meeting your heart’s needs. Hillary will guide you in a safe and nourishing way to release blocks to receptivity and learn how to receive the precise frequencies from the unified field that will help you magnetize love and abundance and embody your innate wisdom.